Author: admin


Game ON, Obesity OFF

“Game ON, Obesity OFF” was a youth exchange project co-funded by European Union under Erasmus+ program. It took place in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary between 27th of September and 4th of October 2021. We had a...


APV meeting in Wien 19-20 January 2019

On 19th and 20th of January, representatives from 6 organizations (each of 1 member and 1 team leader) gathered together in Wien, Austria, to prepare a youth exchange that will have the duration of...

Capture the nature – Метони, Грција 01-07.09.2018

Младинската размена “Capture the nature” беше одржана од 1ви до 7ми Септември 2018та година во Метони, Грција. Два месеци после проектот планирани се работилници во земјите учеснички меѓу кои и нашата. Партнерите во овој...


Law matter – Katowice, Poland 24-30.11.2018

On November 30, a week-long meeting of young lawyers and youth workers from 8 European countries had been ended. The joint activities took place as a part of the international project “Law matter: building...

Mission 0


The program of the Association is based on several goals that concern young people. Some of them are: • To promote, establish and develop mutual respect, cooperation and personal contacts between young people from...