Game ON, Obesity OFF
“Game ON, Obesity OFF” was a youth exchange project co-funded by European Union under Erasmus+ program. It took place in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary between 27th of September and 4th of October 2021. We had a...
“Game ON, Obesity OFF” was a youth exchange project co-funded by European Union under Erasmus+ program. It took place in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary between 27th of September and 4th of October 2021. We had a...
Want to find out more about this town? Watch the video made from our volonteers!
On 19th and 20th of January, representatives from 6 organizations (each of 1 member and 1 team leader) gathered together in Wien, Austria, to prepare a youth exchange that will have the duration of...
Нашата организација е партнер во 4 Еразмус+ проекти од кои 2 во Романија и по еден во Полска и Шпанија. Проектите им даваат можност на младинци од Македонија на возраст од 18-30 години да...
Младинската размена “Capture the nature” беше одржана од 1ви до 7ми Септември 2018та година во Метони, Грција. Два месеци после проектот планирани се работилници во земјите учеснички меѓу кои и нашата. Партнерите во овој...
On November 30, a week-long meeting of young lawyers and youth workers from 8 European countries had been ended. The joint activities took place as a part of the international project “Law matter: building...